As you are no doubt aware, there has been a lot of media activity regarding the recent discovery of horsemeat in products which have been incorrectly labelled. This has led to some hard questions being asked of businesses supplying meat based products to the catering industry and retail outlets.
As a kebab manufacturer, we feel that we should reassure our business partners and customers that we have safeguards in place to stop any such mistakes happening in our production process.
Some of the issues in the media have been caused by a manufacturer taking delivery of, and producing product with, a meat which they trusted to be one species but is actually another. And that this has happened over several months without detection.
Double A Kebab conduct a full analysis of products on a fortnightly basis. This involves us submitting samples of products manufactured for record of meat content, species testing and ingredient percentage. This test is conducted by ILS in Derby who are a highly regarded laboratory working within the meat manufacturing trades amongst others.
If any test was to return an alert to incorrect species, we would be able to quarantine the stock and recall any product which had already left the building.
We try to avoid any chance of using inferior meats by buying the best meat on the market. We only purchase meats from reputable suppliers. The horsemeat scandal seems to be linked back to poor supplies of meat from some European countries. Double A Kebab uses UK sourced Beef from only 2 of the UK’s most trusted meat agents. Our Lamb is purchased direct from New Zealand. We have been aware of the potential poor quality of European sourced meats and have not been tempted to use it even when it would make financial sense to do so.
Even with these safeguards in place, since the News stories broke we have already instigated a thorough inspection of our quality control and recall procedures.
Double A Kebab are part of the Primary Authority Principle (PAP) which allows us to work hand in hand with the Environmental Health Services and Trading Standards. A meeting took place last week with Trading Standards to ensure that we can recall and quarantine products quickly and to recognise any issues with meat supplied to us prior to manufacture. The meeting also confirmed that our ILS species tests were up to date and satisfactory.
As far as we are aware, Double A Kebab is the only kebab manufacturer to be a part of PAP and work with the authorities in such a close way.
(More information regarding PAP can be seen here
We hope that this may answer any questions regarding species testing and meat purchasing. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01623 422888 or
Double A Kebab.
The Best Quality Meats, The Finest Spices
That’s the DNA of Double A