Double A Kebab advice for in-store labelling
Once again the media has targeted the take-away business with headlines based around the meats used in food preparation. Kebab was included in this media activity even though the initial reports were that curry takeaways had been inspected.
As a kebab manufacturer in an industry with a poor reputation with regards to ingredients, Double A Kebab can once again reassure our customers that we have safeguards in place to stop any mislabelling or substitute meats being used in our manufacture.
We actually approve of the increased activity by Trading Standards into the takeaway business. However, in this case the media activity can be seen as a warning to the retailer (end user) more than the manufacturer. It may be in your best interests to look at your menu and re-write them to show the correct description of product.
Some guidance that we have taken from Trading Standards is as follows.
This information is for guidance only. Please refer to your own Trading Standards Officer to ensure that this information is correct after the date of this memo.
The view of Trading Standards is that a Doner Kebab is an all Lamb product.
However, if the kebab contains any other species the description must be added.
For example,..Lamb and Beef Doner Kebab or Doner Kebab (Lamb & Beef).
If the kebab contains Beef only, it must be described as a Beef Doner Kebab or Doner Kebab (Beef).
The actual wording can be altered as long as it is clear that the kebab is different from an all Lamb product.
It’s quite simple when you relate it to labelling of Fish & Chips moving to ‘Cod & Chips’ or ‘Haddock & Chips’ where the species must match the description.
In short,..If its not an All Lamb product you must state the species in your menu description.
The fine for incorrect labelling on menu’s, and serving meats other than claimed on the menu has been £5,000.
Trading Standards has just been istructed to spot check 300 retailers in each area to stop mis-labelling and use of incorrect meats.
In the case of products with GPM which is used as a binding agent containing Chicken, we are waiting for further direction from Trading Standards regarding the classification of this product. Some Trading Standards offices see it as a meat which needs to be on the menu description (it is clearly shown on the label) whereas some see it as a non-meat binding agent.
Until we gain further guidance, any Double A Kebab product marketed as Lamb & Beef can be named as such on menu’s. If this alters we will obviously inform you further.
However, this will obviously have a knock on effect to other brands of kebab which may also need to revise their product descriptions to match the full contents of the product and label.
Double A ‘Yeeros’ and ‘Yeeros Taste’ products only contain Lamb and therefore can legally be called a Doner Kebab on shop menus.
Our meat policy….
Double A Kebab conduct a full analysis of products on a fortnightly basis. This involves us submitting samples of products manufactured for record of meat content, species testing and ingredient percentage. This test is conducted by ILS in Derby which is a highly regarded laboratory working within the meat manufacturing trades amongst others.
Double A Kebab are part of the Primary Authority Partnership (PAP) which allows us to work hand in hand with the Environmental Health Services and Trading Standards. Double A Kebab is the only kebab manufacturer to be a part of PAP and work with the authorities in such a close way. We strive to be the most trusted brand in the kebab market and will continue to promote the industry in a positive and proffesional manner.
Even with these reassurances, customers may have additional questions regarding species testing or quality control. If so, contact Double A Kebab on 01623 422888 or